Egg Harbor City - Atlantic County Economic Alliance-威尼斯人官网

Egg Harbor City

Egg Harbor City is “The Place to Be, We’ve Got It All.”

Incorporated in 1858, 蛋港城由德裔美国人定居,他们成立了“格洛斯特农场和城镇协会”,” consisting of nearly 40,000 acres.  Egg Harbor City is in the center of Atlantic County, bordering Galloway Township and Mullica Township in Atlantic County; and Washington Township in Burlington County.

Egg Harbor City’s bustling downtown area has restaurants, pubs, retail, and professional and medical offices. Other retail, restaurants, shopping, 和商业地点位于白马大道沿线,交通便利.

通过大西洋城高速公路或白马高速公路到费城不到一个小时. 距大西洋城国际机场仅20分钟车程, 汉密尔顿购物中心和消费者广场购物中心距离酒店仅15分钟路程. The Jersey Shore beaches are only 30 minutes away.

The Egg Harbor City train station is walkable from downtown, 这个车站连接着新泽西州的火车和公共汽车,以及林登沃尔德的PATCO高速铁路, Philadelphia, and Amtrak’s 30th Street Station. 新泽西运输公司也连接大西洋城国际机场, the FAA Technical Center, and Stockton University.

经过蛋港市的市中心是一片开阔的空地, farmland, and many parks and recreational areas, such as Bear Creek Preserve and Egg Harbor Lake. Egg Harbor City is on the Mullica River, 它是一条50英里长的河流,流入大西洋. 它沿着蛋港与伯灵顿县的东部边界流动, past Clarks Landing, which is just across from Green Bank, Lower Bank, and Wading River. There are several marinas along the Mullica. 格洛斯特熔炉和格洛斯特湖是划船和生态游客的热门景点.

所有蛋港市都包括在新泽西州指定的松林地区和新泽西州松林国家保护区内, 这是一个生态独特的自然保护区,面积超过一百万英亩,是美国第一个国家保护区.

Two major institutions are nearby, 距蛋港城仅10分钟路程:亚特兰大地区医疗中心是地区公认的美国100家最佳医院之一. 新泽西州最好的大学之一斯托克顿大学的主校区就在加洛韦附近. 斯托克顿大学是全美顶尖的公立大学之一,拥有100多个本科和研威尼斯人官网生课程.

Egg Harbor City Facts

蛋港市的大部分住宅都位于市中心较小的住宅区, while the remainder of the land is in 20-acre farm parcels. 这是由德国商业领袖设计的,他们定居在这个地区,并在镇中心布置了一个公园, as well as areas for recreation that are still in use today. 许多街道仍然以德国著名城市和人物的名字命名.

蛋港城被划分开来,从铁路向北延伸到穆里卡河, west ending at Hanover Avenue, 最东边的土地是现在斯托克顿大学的所在地. 南北方向的街道以德国城市命名,东西方向的街道以著名的德国人命名.

卡姆登铁路于1854年开通,在通往大西洋城的途中在蛋港城停了一站. 创始人设想了一个靠近费城的地方,在那里德国文化将蓬勃发展. Though the city did not grow to the size as planned, 直到19世纪末,它确实成为了德国语言和文化的聚集地.

该地区的原始居民是Lenni-Lenape部落. 莱纳佩人历史上的领土包括新泽西州的大部分地区, including what is now Egg Harbor City. Egg Harbor City then settled by Europeans in the early 1600’s, when the Dutch sailed up the Mullica River, 并将这片鸟类丰富的地区命名为“埃伦港”或“蛋港”.

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Commercial and Residential Information


蛋港城最大的雇主是:Costa Marine Canvas, manufacturer of marine canvas and enclosures, the Career Opportunity Development Center, and World Class Flowers.

Egg Harbor City has identified Downtown, Gateway Residential, Egg Harbor North, the Industrial Park, 以及白马大道沿线的潜在发展区域.

Commercial Tax Abatements

鸡蛋港城市工业园区的新商业物业和现有企业的新增业务可享受减税. 在项目完成后的五年内,改善项目的全部评估价值的税收将以20%的增量减少. To obtain an application, or for more information, 请致电609-965-4747与蛋港市税务评估员迈克·斯托克罗斯联系.

蛋港城工业园区很容易到达大西洋城和泽西海岸, 大西洋城国际机场和斯托克顿大学. 第一阶段的场地仍然开放,城市正在扩展到第二阶段. For more information on the Industrial Park, contact: Meg Steeb, City Clerk, City of Egg Harbor, at (609) 965-0081.


Residential Abatement Program

住宅物业业主在增加现有物业时可享受减税优惠. Taxes on the first $25,在工程完成后的五年内,改善工程的评估估价总额中,有000元将全数抵扣. To obtain an application, or for more information, 请致电609-965-4747与蛋港市税务评估员迈克·斯托克罗斯联系.

USDA’s Rural Housing Service 为农村地区的单户和多户住房提供贷款和贷款担保. 卵港市几乎所有的住宅物业都有资格获得这些贷款. 这些贷款,贷款担保和赠款的资格是基于收入. The USDA has both Direct Loans and Guaranteed Loan Programs.


对于大西洋县企业| ACIA商业贷款可以与小企业管理贷款相结合,以获得最大的影响

Click here for details


For New Jersey Businesses | Various Loans and Incentives | Click here for details


Primary Contact

  • Name: Lisa Jiampetti
  • Title: Mayor
  • Phone Number: 609-965-0081

Municipality Data

通过下面的链接查找有关该城市人口统计的详细信息, including total population, median income, number of households and more.,_New_Jersey?g=160XX00US3420350

Major Roads and Highways:

Business Financing Availability

Workforce Training Contact:

Samuel Wear, General Service Representative
Email: [email protected]
Pleasantville office phone: 609-645-6712

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